SMc photographer
Great editorial images can benefit your company or charity by engaging with your customers and increasing the impact of a press release.
Hourly rate £75.00
Half day (4hrs) £250.00
Full day (8hrs) £550.00
My customer loyalty rates are:
Hourly rate £70.00 on second booking and £60 on bookings thereafter
Half day £220.00 on second booking and £200 on bookings thereafter
Full day £450.00 on second booking and £420 on bookings thereafter
Block booking prices are available on request
Prices include
Initial consultation
Hi-res jpegs sized and proofed.
Basic editing and post production
Prices exclude
Travel @ 0.35p per mile
Complex editing
Full copyright
Hard copies
Special requests
For more information please contact me on:
t: 07855943192